
What is ConnectEd?

Supported by online resources, ConnectEd offers both Middle and Senior School pathways to students who for a variety of reasons, such as experiencing severe anxiety and depression, are unable to attend traditional campus settings. These students may be housebound and need an alternative to mainstream education that allows them to learn in a safe environment and help them on their journey to re-engage back into the community. ConnectEd delivers a combination of online and workbook based curriculum, with weekly classroom contact and one-on-one home visits from a Chaplain.

How does the program work?

Students meet with their Chaplain for at least two hours every week and work through the Personal Recovery and Community Building course together. This specifically designed course is integral to assist students to acknowledge and resolve significant barriers in their life. When students engage with this process, they build their confidence and are able to experience significant self-transformation and gain the life skills they need to grow and succeed in life.