Alta-1 is an organisation committed to healthy relationships.
It was founded, established and launched on the strength of relationship and the work it
engages in is only effective because of the relationships that exist between staff and students.
I take the time to get to know others by giving them my undivided attention, being curious about their stories and experiences.
I actively listen without bias or preconceived assumptions to fully understand before responding.
I am genuinely interested in knowing more about the motivations, fears, aspirations, and truths of others.
I am present in an authentically honest and vulnerable way, acknowledging my own weaknesses and limitations without fear of judgment.
I purposefully care and empathise with others through respectful and thoughtful words and actions.
I intentionally develop my own emotional intelligence by learning how to better express, control and manage my emotions so that I can handle interpersonal relationships with wisdom and care.
I resolve relational conflicts, disagreements, and differences of opinion by speaking respectfully and honestly, working together towards a mutually beneficial outcome.
I have open, honest conversations with people rather than talking about them to others or relying on disruptive side conversations.
Perth Metro
12 Winton Road, Joondalup
PO Box 301, Joondalup DC WA 6919
(08) 9403 8200
Unit 1/57 Locker Ave, Albany, WA 6330
(08) 9403 8233
Po Box 1356 Kununurra WA 6743
(08) 9166 9009
Head Office
Suite 12 & 14, 42-44 King Street, Caboolture
PO Box 388, Caboolture, QLD 4510
(07) 5301 8008