As a value, flourishing is a commitment to creatively bring out the health,
wholeness and purpose in every person – staff and student – As a College we strive to create
flourishing spaces for continued growth and whole-hearted living.
I influence those around me to embrace a growth mindset by sharing the story of my own transformation journey.
I choose to interpret and acknowledge the actions and reactions of others with grace and understanding.
I take the responsibility of defining my own boundaries and respect the boundaries of others.
I embrace the iterative nature of the journey and commit to continuous growth and development.
I contribute my unique talents and skills for the betterment of the team.
I look for and create opportunities of growth and development for others.
I am not afraid to embrace
complexities and paradoxes.
Perth Metro
12 Winton Road, Joondalup
PO Box 301, Joondalup DC WA 6919
(08) 9403 8200
Unit 1/57 Locker Ave, Albany, WA 6330
(08) 9403 8233
Po Box 1356 Kununurra WA 6743
(08) 9166 9009
Head Office
Suite 12 & 14, 42-44 King Street, Caboolture
PO Box 388, Caboolture, QLD 4510
(07) 5301 8008